MSSP, MSP, Managed Services, AI/ML, Generative AI

IT Nation Connect: 5 ConnectWise Updates for MSSPs

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ConnectWise made several service and product announcements during its IT Nation Connect event this week that are likely to impact MSSPs now and in the future.

1.) New SaaS Security Workflow Engine

ConnectWise debuted the new SaaS Security workflow engine, which offers alerting for threat detection and monitoring, alerting and incident response for Microsoft 365 environments. This engine features workflow orchestration and robotic process automation (RPA) capabilities, ConnectWise said. It enables users to create configurable triggers and actions to eliminate manual tasks and workflows that can trigger cybersecurity alerts, create tickets and escalate remediation issues.

2.) Business Management Solutions Enhancements

ConnectWise has updated its Business Management Solutions to include a new product catalog for its ConnectWise PSA solution and ConnectWise CPQ software. The new catalog provides users with quick search and customizable product lists or card-based views, ConnectWise indicated. It also gives users access to vendor integrations.

3.) Unified Monitoring and Management Solution

ConnectWise upgraded its remote monitoring and management (RMM) solution to a Unified Monitoring & Management solution. With the new solution, users can consolidate monitoring tasks into a web console built on the ConnectWise Asio platform. This helps users streamline their operations, ConnectWise noted.

4.) RPA Service

ConnectWise CEO Jason Magee highlighted a new RPA service during his keynote address. The ConnectWise RPA service uses hyper-automation to simplify the development, deployment and management of software robots that mimic human actions and interact with digital systems and software, he noted. ConnectWise RPA is now available via Asio.

5.) Artificial Intelligence Companion

ConnectWise unveiled the ConnectWise Sidekick companion, which uses generative AI large language models to provide users with natural-language prompts for automation, the company said. With Sidekick, users can automatically generate PowerShell scripts, categorize tickets and perform other tasks.

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At IT Nation Connect, which wrapped up on November 10, ConnectWise said it is working with MSSPs and other IT solution providers (TSPs) to build a future where technology can change lives.

Moving forward, ConnectWise will continue to provide TSPs with remote monitoring, cybersecurity and backup and disaster recovery and other technologies. Meanwhile, TSPs can use these technologies to drive business efficiency, the company noted.   

IT Nation Connect: 5 ConnectWise Updates for MSSPs

ConnectWise announces a new SaaS Security workflow engine, Business Management Solutions enhancements and more.

Dan Kobialka

Dan Kobialka is senior contributing editor, MSSP Alert and ChannelE2E. He covers IT security, IT service provider business strategies and partner programs. Dan holds a M.A. in Print and Multimedia Journalism from Emerson College and a B.A. in English from Bridgewater State University. In his free time, Dan enjoys jogging, traveling, playing sports, touring breweries and watching football.