Exclusive Networks, a value-added distributor (VAD) that specializes in cybersecurity and cloud solutions, has unveiled the Managed Security Services Distributor (MSSD) platform.MSSD enables channel partners to add security-as-a-service (SECaaS) offerings to their portfolios, according to Exclusive.MSSD consists of two core services: Monitoring & Alerting and Monitoring & Alerting + Prevention & Countermeasures. Initial MSSD services are now available, and additional services are expected to be released next year.
- Monitoring & Alerting provides security operations center-based monitoring and alerting, Exclusive stated. It offers artificial intelligence-based threat hunting, remote breach support and other security capabilities.
- Monitoring & Alerting + Prevention & Countermeasures combines SOC-based monitoring and alerting with managed capabilities for network environments, Exclusive noted. In addition to Monitoring & Alerting security features, this service offers availability monitoring and backup, device and policy configuration change management and other prevention and countermeasures capabilities.