Channel partner events

MSSP Alert Live 2024: Call for Presentations Open

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Are you a thought leader in managed services or managed security services, or do you have a unique approach to an important topic that could help other MSPs or MSSPs? We’re looking for speakers like you to be part of our MSSP Alert Live program for 2024.

MSSP Alert Live, the premiere cybersecurity event for MSPs and MSSPs, has opened its call for papers. (You can submit yours here.) We’re looking for speakers like you who want to share insights and experience and wisdom with peers.

MSSP Alert Lives features a comprehensive lineup of topics tailored to address the evolving landscape of cybersecurity services. This year we’re planning sessions on the topics we know are important to service providers including demonstrating the value of cybersecurity to end customers, leveraging cybersecurity compliance as a strategic sales tool across diverse sectors, and navigating the complexities of cybersecurity insurance, including liability and cyber warranties. Additionally, discussions will explore the future of Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM), emphasizing a transition towards endpoint management with platforms like Windows InTune and evolving RMM vendor solutions. We’ll also delve into the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI), allowing attendees to gain insights into combating sophisticated cyberattacks, addressing data privacy concerns, and understanding the integration of AI in cybersecurity tools.

Does one of these topics fit your expertise? Please let us know in your submission. Or maybe you have another topic you don’t see here but you know is important for your fellow MSPs and MSSPs. Please let us know why you think that topic is important and what MSPs and MSSPs need to know about it.

Submit your session idea and abstract today for consideration by our MSSP Alert Live committee. The submission deadline is May 17. Submit your session plan here. If we accept your submission, you’ll get free admission to MSSP Alert Live, which is in Austin, Texas this year, October 14-16. Join us for MSSP Alert Live this year!

Jessica C. Davis

Jessica C. Davis has spent a career as a journalist and editor covering the business of technology including chips, software, the cloud, AI, and cybersecurity. She previously served as editor in chief of Channel Insider and later of MSP Mentor. She now serves as editorial director for CyberRisk Alliance’s channel brands, MSSP Alert and ChannelE2E.

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