Unlocking Industry Secrets: Join Top MSSPs in MSSP Alert’s Benchmark Pricing Survey

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Top MSSPs have endorsed the MSSP Alert Benchmark Pricing Survey and MSSP Alert’s work to provide this important information to the industry.

[Click here to participate in the MSSP Alert Benchmark Pricing Survey]

Why? Your technology stack and how you price your services are the heart of your managed security services business. They help determine the quality of your services and whether your business not only succeeds but thrives.

But while managed service providers (MSPs) have a number of well-known and respected peer groups and data sources to go to for best practices when it comes to pricing, managed security service providers (MSSPs) do not.

MSSP Business Challenges

The MSSP market is more like the Wild West when it comes to guidance and help on stack building and pricing, confirms Rick Murphy, a partner at Cogent Growth Partners, who added that MSSP Alert is well positioned to provide information and support to MSSPs in this area.

To guide its community of MSSPs with insights to help with setting pricing for their services, MSSP Alert recently launched this first-of-its-kind Benchmark Pricing Survey for MSSPs.

Many MSSP 250 companies have already participated in this important research because they recognize the value it brings to their businesses and to the industry as a whole.

MSSP Benchmark Pricing Survey Endorsed by Top MSSPs

Top MSSPs in the industry have also endorsed the survey and recognized MSSP Alert’s work to provide this important information and give back to the community of MSSPs.

“MSSP Alert is uniquely positioned to deliver this benchmark pricing survey to better understand the MSSP community, the competitive landscape, and go-to-market approach,” said High Wire Networks CEO Mark Porter. “As a top MSSP in the industry, Overwatch by High Wire Networks looks forward to leveraging the report for data insight on the rest of the MSSP market and how our services compare with other providers in pricing and packaging.”

Dr. Mike Saylor, CEO of Blackswan Cybersecurity, agreed.

“I think it is great that MSSP Alert is conducting this survey objectively to help the MSSP market better understand how managed cybersecurity services are being priced for both clients and providers. The MSSP market is competitive, and service providers range from small niche firms to well-known brands. Their capabilities and pricing can vary widely and can create confusion for the buyer.  I think this survey can help MSSPs align their proposals in a more apples-to-apples approach to help clients better compare the common elements and the differentiators, like breadth, scope, and price.”

MSSP Benchmark Pricing Survey: What's in it for You

Participating MSSPs will receive a copy of the final report, which provides information and insights on MSSP stacks and pricing so that they can determine how they fit in with their peers, make more informed decisions about stacks and pricing, and be best positioned to compete in the cybersecurity services market.

Top MSSPs have recognized the importance of participating in the MSSP Benchmark Pricing Survey from MSSP Alert. To participate, please follow this link to our survey. Your information will be kept confidential. Only provide your company name and your email address if you want us to email you a copy of the report. Otherwise, you may remain anonymous.

Jessica C. Davis

Jessica C. Davis is editorial director of CyberRisk Alliance’s channel brands, MSSP Alert, MSSP Alert Live, and ChannelE2E. She has spent a career as a journalist and editor covering the intersection of business and technology including chips, software, the cloud, AI, and cybersecurity. She previously served as editor in chief of Channel Insider and later of MSP Mentor where she was one of the original editors running the MSP 501.