MSSP News Alert: 24 March 2017

Each morning MSSP Alert offers readers a quick lineup of news, analysis and chatter from across the MSSP (managed security services provider) ecosystem.

Here’s the lineup for Friday, March 24, 2017:

7. DDoS Attack Protection: Array Networks has launched new editions of its vAPV and APV Series application delivery controllers (ADC). They guard against DDoS attacks, intercept SSL-encrypted streams to provide visibility into encrypted traffic, and support enhanced global server load balancing (GSLB) for multi-site high availability spanning both public and private clouds, the company asserts.

6. Stiff Penalty or Chump Change?: After three years of litigation, Neiman Marcus has agreed to pay $1.6 million to settle a class action over a security breach that exposed the credit card information of about 350,000 customers, CFO Magazine reported.

5. New Mexico Privacy Law:  The New Mexico state legislature has passed a bill requiring that New Mexico residents be notified if their “personal identifying information” was affected by a breach of electronic data. Upon signature of the bill, New Mexico will join 47 other states requiring such notification, and the only states remaining without notification laws will be Alabama and South Dakota, according to JD Supra.

4. New York Hacks: Breaches that affected New York State residents rose 60 percent in 2016 vs. 2015, according to the New York State Attorney General. While hacking accounted for more than 40 percent of the 1,282 total incidents reported, employee negligence, including inadvertent exposure and device loss, was close behind at 37 percent, TechCrunch reported.

3. Illinois State Security: The state of Illinois has developed a new cybersecurity. The plan outlines five strategic goals with specific action plans to protect state operations and the personal information of Illinois residents. The goals include protecting state of Illinois information and systems, reducing cyber risk, best-in-class cybersecurity capabilities, enterprise approach to cybersecurity and a cyber secure Illinois.

2. Compliance: IDdriven, which develops cloud-based Identity and Access Management ("IAM") governance security solutions, is positioning itself to help partners address HIPAA compliance issues. But then again, so is just about every other IT security company these days...

1. Countdown to Launch: Yup. We wrote this blog on Friday, March 24 — quite a bit before MSSP Alert’s anticipated launch day in mid-2017.

Joe Panettieri

Joe Panettieri is co-founder & editorial director of MSSP Alert and ChannelE2E, the two leading news & analysis sites for managed service providers in the cybersecurity market.

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