Managed Security ServicesGroupSense Brings Threat Intelligence to MSSPs, MSPsGroupSense's Tracelight Fuse threat information offering gathers real-time data from a client’s external attack surface.
Threat ManagementArmis Delivers AI-Powered Cyber Exposure ManagementArmis' Centrix cyber exposure management platform secures assets, remediates vulnerabilities, blocks threats and protects attack surfaces.
Threat ManagementSkybox Advances Continuous Exposure Management PlatformThe Attack Surface Management solution provides an organization with an inventory and map of its assets, applications and users
Threat IntelligenceExtraHop is Sharing Massive Machine Learning DatasetExtraHop wants to aid security teams to identify malicious activity in their environments before it becomes a business problem.
Threat IntelligenceNetcraft Buys Online Brand Protection Provider FraudWatchNetcraft's automated attack detection, disruption and takedown solutions now integrate with FraudWatch's online brand protection services.
Security Staff Acquisition & DevelopmentCheck Point Buys SaaS Security Specialist AtmosecAtmosec is an Israel-based startup specializing in the discovery and disconnection of malicious software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications.
SIEMWazuh Offers Free, Open-Source Security PlatformWazuh's security platform helps security pros respond to incidents, produce compliance reports and prevent cyberattacks.