Protecting your clients’ laptops and other endpoints from malware is a fundamental and common-sense practice. Keeping websites and applications safe from constant cyberattack attempts should be equally obvious, yet many organizations still don’t pay nearly enough attention to their web application security. Would you say your clients are secure if their employees are using laptops with no anti-malware application installed? Most business leaders would say that is an irresponsible approach, and they would be right. Why, then, do so many businesses run their websites and web applications with no protection at all?An antivirus (or, more generally, an anti-malware solution) is treated as a standard and common-sense element of any Windows installation. It’s rare to see a computer without one, especially in business settings. Yet, strangely enough, many businesses are perfectly happy to set up a website or web application without paying attention to security. This is even more surprising when you consider that web-accessible databases may hold far more sensitive data than an average office machine, such as customers’ personal information.Here are four reasons why you should push web application security as much as personal computer security and endpoint security to your MSSP clients:
Guest blog courtesy of Invicti, an international web app security company headquartered in Austin, Texas. See more Invicti guest blogs here. Regularly contributed guest blogs are part of MSSP Alert’s sponsorship program.