
BlackGuard Stealer Extends its Capabilities in New Variant

Phishing, E-Mail, Network Security, Computer Hacker, Cloud Computing

AT&T Alien Labs researchers have discovered a new variant of BlackGuard stealer in the wild, infecting systems using spear phishing attacks. The malware evolved since its previous variant and now arrives with new capabilities.

Key takeaways:

  • BlackGuard steals user sensitive information from a wide range of applications and browsers.
  • The malware can hijack crypto wallets copied to clipboard.
  • The new variant is trying to propagate through removable media and shared devices.

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Ofer Caspi is a security researcher at Alien Labs, part of the AT&T Cybersecurity. Read more AT&T Cybersecurity blogs hereRegularly contributed guest blogs are part of MSSP Alert’s sponsorship program.

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