Each morning MSSP Alert broadcasts a quick lineup of news, analysis and chatter from across the global managed security services provider ecosystem.
Here’s the lineup for Thursday, June 29, 2017:
6. AWS Cloud Security, Auditing: The Vaultive Cloud Security Platform can now apply advanced privileged account management protections and activity auditing capabilities to the AWS administration console, giving IT teams fine-grained control over their IaaS resources. We're checking to see if Vaultive offers a multi-tenant approach for MSPs and MSSPs.
5. Hacker Group Threatens Banks: The Armada Collective hacking group has issued a ransom demand of approximately $315,000 to seven South Korean banks, threatening to launch distributed denial of service attacks against each of their organizations, according to SC Media.
4. Managed Security: Centripetal Networks, a provider of Real-Time Network Defense solutions, has launched CleanINTERNET, a managed security service offering.
3. Australia Managed Security Services: Telstra and Tesserent are partnering to launch a managed security service for SMB customers in Australia, ARN reported.
2. Kaspersky Lab Ban?: U.S. senators sought on Wednesday to ban Moscow-based cyber security firm Kaspersky Lab's products from use by the military because of fears the company is vulnerable to "Russian government influence," a day after the FBI interviewed several of its U.S. employees as part of a probe into its operations, Reuters reported. Kaspersky says the U.S. government's claims are without merit. We'll share more thoughts soon on MSSP Alert.
1. World's Top MSSPs: Does your company rank among the world's top MSSPs? Prove it. Participate in our Top MSSPs survey and your company could be honored when we unveil results and associated research in September.