BlackBerry unveils Internet of Things (IoT) security feature packs for OEM partners at the CES 2019 conference. Plus, BlackBerry's Cylance acquisition is expected to be finalized in February.
Cybeats, which develops cybersecurity for Internet of Things (IoT) devices, raises $3 million from Ripple Ventures & GreenSoil Building Innovation Fund.
Fortinet cybersecurity adds a network access control product for Internet of Things (IoT) security that offers visibility across endpoints, users & devices.
IBM Security adds Internet of Things labs for IoT device & system assessments & the X-Force Red security testing service for automated teller machines (ATMs). Details from Black Hat USA 2018 conference.
Amazon Web Services launches Internet of Things Device Defender, a managed security service to help customers and MSPs establish best practices in AWS IoT environments.
Visium Technologies seeks to acquire Threat Surface Solutions Group (TSSG), a provider of cybersecurity and risk mitigation solutions. Still, SEC filings raise questions about Visium's viability as an ongoing business.
The FTC will go after Internet of Things (IoT) device makers for false or misleading security safety claims if the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) insisted that manufacturers publicly disclose their security standards.
Cybersecurity services provider Fortinet buys Bradford Networks, a network security company, to deliver Internet of Things (IoT) & access control solutions.