Threat ManagementLogRhythm, D3 Security Automate Threat ManagementDan KobialkaOctober 31, 2023LogRhythm's Axon SIEM solution combined with D3 Security's Smart SOAR platform can identify behavioral anomalies and internal and external threats.
SIEMTrustwave Delivers Managed SIEM for Microsoft SentinelDan KobialkaOctober 18, 2023The Trustwave Managed SIEM for Microsoft Sentinel solution provides organizations with security alerts, threat response recommendations and more.
SIEMBT, Google Cloud Partner for Autonomic Security OpsDan KobialkaOctober 13, 2023BT and Google Cloud are collaborating to help organizations advance their security architecture.
MDRLumifi Buys Castra, Bolsters SIEM CapabilitiesDan KobialkaOctober 5, 2023Lumifi and Castra will help organizations protect their endpoints and networks against cyberattacks detect and respond to cyber threats.
SIEMLogRhythm Advances Axon SIEM PlatformDan KobialkaOctober 2, 2023Security operations center (SOC) teams can use the LogRhythm Axon platform quickly identify and address cyber threats.
XDRUTMStack Unveils Open-Source XDR-SIEM SolutionDan KobialkaSeptember 28, 2023MSSPs can use UTMStack's open-source XDR-SIEM solution to automatically investigate security alerts, manage log data and more.
ChannelGurucul Advances “Partner-First” Sales StrategyD. Howard KassSeptember 18, 2023Gurucul, a security information and event management (SIEM) provider, has upgraded its partner program to fortify its channel-first sales strategy.